(grades 1-6)

“Children Reaching Educational Achievement Through Enrichment”
Once your child discovers the value of CREATE, they may adopt this mantra:

“We live in this world, but we do not let the world determine how we live. We are the Innovators, Agents of Change, and Leaders of today.”

Group of children making small pizzas in school

Daily Enrichment for Your Child

CREATE Daily Schedule

3:30 – 5:45pm each day
Mon. – STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Tue. – Social-Emotional Learning/Art
Wed. – Phys. Ed./Nutrition
Thu. – Academics
Fri. – Learning Lab


Ideal Curriculum

Kiwi Co allows students to explore different activities through hands-on projects. Each activity includes all of the resources to maximize learning through play.

Building Skills

Social-Emotional Learning and Art

SEL is the process of developing skills of self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills. Students cultivate skills through art and hands-on activities.

Health and Wellness

Physical Education teaches students to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity and fitness. They also dive into nutrition activities about the importance of healthy eating and how to create quick and easy healthy snacks.

Beyond the Building

Field Trips

Your child learns and has fun with activities at academic, cultural, scientific, and athletic sites across DC.

CREATE serves the whole family.

We believe that it takes a village to raise a child and it takes a network of caring people to help a family reach its full potential.

Group of people wearing I AM UPO shirts

Please reach out if you have questions

We want to help you take the next steps.

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