Early Learning
In 1965, UPO ran a pilot program for Head Start. Today, our Office of Early Learning is DC’s largest Early Head Start provider. Our holistic approach helps families thrive.

Early Head Start
UPO OEL Centers
We operate 17 early learning centers across the District (including in 7 high schools). We personalize each child’s experiences to build on their strengths.
QIN Centers
DC asked UPO to bring our proven, effective training to DC’s Quality Improvement Network (QIN). We have raised the standards of 13 other centers.
Home Based Program
Make your home into a healthy learning environment for your child, with the help of our Home Visitors! They focus on your goals and Parent as Teacher training.

“I feel blessed to have found QIN for the quality education and nurturing environment: Wraparound support services, Family Engagement Specialists, and coaches. It’s very important to [understand our babies’ needs] early.”
Your Child
Microsite Early Learning Centers: A New Model of Early Education
What if the science of early learning and child development led to a new model that’s ideal for children, parents, and educators? Come to UPO and see.
Early Educator’s Credentialing Academy
We help early childhood professionals grow, from Child Development Associate certification through their Master’s degree.