Our Values
Our Core Values show 7 key aspects of our approach to helping District residents lift themselves into economic security.
People First
We treat all people the way we want to be treated, with dignity, respect, empathy, integrity, and trust, with flexibility, cultural sensitivity, by focusing on their strengths and health, and by empowering them.
Economic Security
We help people achieve economic security. Our practical, comprehensive approach to direct services has a measurable impact and can change the trajectory of families for generations. We also advocate for public policies and systemic reforms.
Continuous Improvement & Innovation
Since excellence is a moving target, we are constantly seeking to improve and innovate. We use best practices to make our programs more effective and develop our capacity and resources for continuous quality improvement.
With a commitment to helping our customers become the change agents of their lives, we sustain our resources and organization by aligning with funders, partners, and volunteers who share our commitment to progressive social change.
We believe in the collective wisdom of all of our internal and external stakeholders in supporting our customers on their journey to economic security.
We center our work on equity. UPO fights to achieve economic, social, and racial justice. We insist that resources and opportunities are shared based on what each person needs to give them access to equal outcomes.
We use a wide range of skills and perspectives to reach people of diverse backgrounds, talents, and experiences. This enables us to sensitively tailor our methods to customers’ unique needs via a “whole family” approach.
“3-Year Strategic Plan”
Our core values inform the 3 goals we set for our 3-year strategic plan: to provide high-quality results-oriented economic security programming; prioritize people-centered efficiency and effectiveness; and ensure UPO’s long-term sustainability.
“Theory of Change”
The methods we use to achieve our strategic goals are part of our Theory of Change.